All Star Indie Band Video Tops 10K Views

El Paso Area Musicians pay tribute again, This time to LED ZEPPELIN
El Paso, TX— December 30, 2015 — Today, not two weeks after its release, Led Zeppelin classics “Rock n’ Roll” and “Stairway to Heaven” All Star Indie Band video crossed 10,000 views in less than 2 weeks. Viewers raved in comments... here are some reactions so far.
“Absolutely Kick-Ass,” said YouTube commenter Lance Lubin.
“Wow, who are these guys!” said Carlo Bussoni.
Worldwide Responses
Viewers from the USA, Brazil, Russia, the UK and Philippines have hailed the tribute performance in the comments collumn and with ‘likes’. “We wanted to show that this is how the band plays, so while the camera work is unique, the true performance comes through. No overdubs, that’s why we used 2 guitars. We are so glad people like it, we all love Zeppelin and their influence cannot be understated.”
Support your area musicians. The members of the band are from great area bands like Cuervo, Billy Townes, Derrick Harris Band, The Desperados; a diverse background of musical styles converge to honor Led Zeppelin.
Update: as of 6-10-2020 the video now has 28,445 views.